Attract And Convert Prospects Into Ideal Clients in Six Days Or Less With Simple Strategies For Entrepreneurs Who Want To Increase Their Authority, Impact And Income 

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Click Below to Get Almost FREE 
Access To The 6 Day 
Unlimited Client Attraction Challenge
Launching 23rd February 2023 
9am PST/ 5pm UK

You want to bring in massive new business and hold on to your existing clients so that you can battle the increase cost of living and still make a profit

First it was the Covid pandemic 

Second it was Russia/ Ukraine conflict and 

Now there is a global recession and you are staring into the bottomless pit of increase costs

Add to that crazy inflation and price gouging for necessities like gas and electricity. Costs are doubling and tripling

Is this even worth it?

That means there are literally tens of thousands of new consultants, experts and coaches entering your space hoping to make a living as they transition out of corporate into their own business.

What other option do they have? Are you one of them?

No matter how you look at it or which side of this you are on. The pressure on you has only increased.

How much can entrepreneurs and small business owners, coaches, consultants and experts take with all this uncertainty in the World and when will it end? 

No one knows how long the level of uncertainty is going to carry on. Never mind how long it’s going to take to get back to a resemblance of normal.
But here’s the thing. (And forgive me here for pointing out the obvious…. And not sound like my mother who wishes that the good old days would come back, because they never do and things were not exactly perfect back then either...)

It’s not going to go back to “Normal” (well not anytime soon)

The world is constantly changing

One thing is for sure
This is the mathematical equation that happens when you don’t adjust to current market demands and conditions.
0 x 0 = 0

There will be more casualties and more heavy losses

Some will lose their business and some will lose everything 

Will it be you?

Because if you think life is hard now, it’s nothing compared to what lies ahead in the next few years if you don’t adjust NOW. 
Year 1: Your hoping things will not get that bad and remain in survival mode

Year 2: You are stuck in limbo. Your frustration grows as things don’t improve. The increased cost of living is insane and you are emotionally and mentally exhausted. Everyone is complaining and negativity starts to creep in 

Year 3: You're burned out, frustrated, angry and ready to throw the towel in and give it all up. You may even consider a real job or early retirement. Scroll up and see that that is not really an option anymore…

As an Entrepreneur, this is not what you signed up for and you're wrecking your brain on how to get out of this downward spiral of doom, gloom and despair

Is this what you want your reality to be?

Let’s go a step further:


But what?

    The Client Attraction Challenge works, even if you:

    • Have been misled before only to see your dreams crushed
    • ​​Gave lots of money that you wished you still had to industry ‘gurus’ that failed to deliver on their promises
    • ​Already tried a bunch of different marketing tactics that failed miserably 
    • ​Are frustrated, overwhelmed or feel paralyzed… 
    • ​Are clueless where to start and suck at sales
    Enter your information for almost FREE access to the Unlimited Client Attraction Challenge.
    Why is this almost Free and not free?
    Because creating a client attraction system to attract and convert prospects into ideal clients in six days or less with simple strategies should be a priority if you want to increase your authority, impact and income. 

    If you cannot commit to investing an amount equal to your Oat Cappuccino then this challenge is definitely not right for you. 

    The strategies we are sharing have helped our combined clients to generate in excess of $30 Million.
    You'll receive your confirmation and access info when you register, 

    Reality Check

    The reality is that most of you have cut back on marketing, ads and promotion.

    Your messaging may not even land anymore because the problem you used to solve is not the problem your clients are having now.
    You may be scrambling to figure out what you can and should do next
    But… have you ever wondered how a small number of business owners thrive during a market downturn and uncertainty? Do you want to know which strategies they use?

    The SINGLE most important thing in ANY business is PROSPECTING.

    You need a calendar full of leads and qualified prospects that you can convert into paying clients. That is the lifeblood of your business. 
    How can you create opportunities pulsating through the veins of your business?  

    No prospects lined up in your funnel = No sales in your shopping cart... 

    It all starts with finding the right prospects, people who need what you sell so that you can help them live better lives, feel better, be more successful and fulfilled... 

    Now of COURSE it’s not just about finding ANY prospect...

    It’s about generating the RIGHT leads with the right prospects ... 


    PROSPECTS that will turn into PROFITABLE clients… 
    All you need to do is prove your value which builds trust

Referrals are great and we love them, but they are unreliable and more in the category of hoping and praying for your next sales

    Most of us suck at marketing, you don't understand the concepts, you don't have a strategy - it's too complicated - and don't know what works - then you try one or two things for a short period of time, give up and go right back to your old habits

    Or you do nothing…

    Bottom Line No Prospects In The Pipeline = No Income 

    Enter Your Information For Almost FREE 
    Access To The Unlimited Client Attraction Challenge 

    Why Is Now The Best Possible Time
    To Join The Unlimited Client Attraction Challenge ?

    From: Adam Strong & Beate Chelette
    Windsor, United Kingdom & Los Angeles, United States 

    Do you believe in endless opportunities? 

    Well we do

    Beate approached me to be a guest on my podcast. Now here is one thing you need to know about me. I turn down 98% of all guests who apply to come onto the show. Beate had done her homework. What else would you expect from someone who sold their business to Bill Gates?

    I found we had some synergies and she has a diversity of knowledge and wisdom that I knew my audience would love.

    Then the "Love story" began through engaging conversations it seemed like we were like 'two peas in a pod'. We talked about systems, strategy, mindset and all the juicy stuff you need to build a successful business. We shared ideas of what helps our global clients to overcome challenging market conditions.

    And then…

    It dawned upon us, we share commonality and we are trained to look for opportunity IN ANY MARKET. Boom. Very quickly the idea was born, we needed to do something together.

    With the challenges entrepreneurs face we needed to act quickly.


    Suddenly it was hands on deck combining our knowledge and insights and we said we’ll share our shortcuts.

    We both know too well that life is tough out there right now.

    We've both ridden the entrepreneurial roller coaster many times

    When your in survival mode, time is ticking relentless 

    That's why you need to join us on the 'Unlimited Client Attraction Challenge' 

    What You'll Learn When You Sign Up For Free.

    You’ll learn how to turn your uncertainty into your next opportunity
    As Entrepreneurs we decide our own future
    What if everything you needed was already mapped out for you?

    What would it mean to you, if we could take the stress and worry of attracting prospects away?

    And what if you could literally structure all the important parts of your client attraction system with us together? And at the end of the six days, after we walked you through step-by-step on how to understand the strategies that the most successful industry experts are using right now you know how to implement them, too.

    When You Sign Up You'll Learn

    • How to pack your calendar with prospect calls
    • ​How to sell more products  or services to more people
    • ​How to create a trusted and highly credible personal brand
    • ​How to build connection and trust with your audience enabling them to enter your pipeline and begin their client transformation journey 
    • ​The tactics and tools that industry experts are using now to build their client attraction systems
    • ​The simple framework you need to fix your lead/prospecting generation
    • ​Insights on how to build your authority, credibility and influence
    • ​How to grow your authority so that you can attract your ideal clients 


    …How to attract your ideal target audiences into qualified leads step by step.

    The exact strategies (WE WILL GIVE YOU 4 STRATEGIES) so you can stop wasting time and money (and avoid the cringe worthy techniques of snake oil sales people,) and instead attract high paying clients, and finally build your business on your terms and help more people without working 60+ hours a week even in this economy!

    You'll discover
    • How to find the right prospects step-by-step...
    • Learn about our collection of tips, tricks, & hacks, the client attraction strategies that work NOW
    • How to reach the right people at the lowest possible cost based on the strategies that work now...even if you don’t have a team...
    • How to generate consistent leads in your client attraction system
    • How to make it so easy that your VA can run your client attraction system enabling you to focus on what you do best - taking care of your clients


     The disillusioned entrepreneur expecting a blue bird bringing unexpected gifts
     The perfectionist who is still waiting some three years later to finish their logo, book or product to sell
     The perpetual victim who is in complete denial of the current circumstances and market conditions and prefers to hide behind excuses 
     The procrastinator who is waiting around for something to happen so they can finally take action
     Those seeking instant gratification in four hours of work or less  
     Anyone looking for a no-work button  
    Enter Your Information To Get Almost FREE 
    Access To The 'Unlimited Attraction Client Challenge'

    Your Hosts

    Adam Strong

    Adam has been an entrepreneur for the past 30 years, he is known as the ‘Game Changer’, 3x Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur, International Speaker and Founder of ‘The Game Changers Experience’ ranked in the top 2% global rankings.

    Adam is a Former Elite Athlete that trained with Olympic and World Champion Sir Mo Farah for 3 years. He takes the same skill-set that he learned as an elite athlete to teach his clients on how to increase profitability by building purpose led, results orientated and impactful businesses. He is the author of three best selling books ‘Move it or lose it’, ’Fit body fit business’ and ‘Play the game’. 

    He has been featured on the front cover of Influential People Magazine, Steer Magazine and Global Man magazine, BBC radio, the Huffington post, in People Management magazine, Edge, Forbes, HR Director, Sage and DiversityQ.

    He has interviewed thought leaders and multiple New York Times best selling authors such as Jack Canfield, Marshall Goldsmith, Dr John Demartini, Chester Elton, Rachel Pederson and Evan Carmichael. 

    He has shared the stage with celebrities such as John Travolta, Vanilla Ice, Calvin Klein, 50 cent and Dr Nido Qubein.

    Beate Chelette

    Beate Chelette is known as The Growth Architect and Founder of The Women’s Code and provides visionaries and leaders with strategies, blueprints and results-oriented, tangible tools and techniques that give clear steps to improve business systems, strengthen leadership skills and teams so that they can scale their impact. Her strategies have helped her clients to generate over 30 million in revenue.
    A first-generation immigrant who found herself $135,000 in debt as a single parent, Beate bootstrapped her passion for photography into a highly successful global business and eventually sold it to Bill Gates in a multimillion-dollar deal. She host She hosts "The Business Growth Architect Show" podcast and is amongst the “Top 100 Global Thought Leaders” by PeopleHum and “One of 50 Must-Follow Women Entrepreneurs” by HuffPost.

    Recent clients include Amazon, Reckitt (the maker of Lysol), Chevron, Merck, Johnson & Johnson, the National Association of State Senators, Cal State University Dominguez Hills, Shelter Inc., United Way, Mental Health First Aid and thousands of small businesses.

    Beate is the author of the #1 International Award-Winning Amazon Bestseller “Happy Woman Happy World – How to Go from Overwhelmed to Awesome”–a book that corporate trainer and best-selling author Brian Tracy calls “a handbook for every woman who wants health, success and a fulfilling career.”

    Waiting Is Disempowering...

    It has never been more challenging to FIND HIGH QUALITY… PROSPECTS

    We’re about to make it a whole lot simpler.
    Join us for six days on The Unlimited Client Attraction Challenge. It’s almost free to attend.
    YOU get to take a deep dive into what’s working right now - and take away strategies that you can use to make lead generation easy in 2023 - no matter how much experience you have.
    Will we see you there?
    Enter Your Information For almost FREE Access To The Unlimited Client Attraction Challenge

    Copyright © 2023- The Unlimited Client Attraction Strategy by Adam Strong and Beate Chelette